Software used: Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Inktober 2021 Prompt List.
Inktober is a yearly illustration challenge during the month of October, in which artists create a new piece of work every day according to their interpretation of a given prompt.
Inktober is a yearly illustration challenge during the month of October, in which artists create a new piece of work every day according to their interpretation of a given prompt.

Day 1 Prompt - Crystal.
I'm a March baby, so my birthstone is Aquamarine.
I'm a March baby, so my birthstone is Aquamarine.
Time: On and off about 15-ish hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 2 Prompt - Suit.
Suit of armour. The medieval era is probably one of my favourite eras to study, alongside the Victorian era and the history of medicine. It always surprises me how heavy armour is. Even trying to pick up “light” chainmail nearly floors me.
Time: Approx 15 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Suit of armour. The medieval era is probably one of my favourite eras to study, alongside the Victorian era and the history of medicine. It always surprises me how heavy armour is. Even trying to pick up “light” chainmail nearly floors me.
Time: Approx 15 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 3 Prompt - Vessel.
My dad has always been very into sailing and history, so I grew up listening to stories of buried treasure, pirates and the rise, fall and discovery of ancient civilisations/empires.
Time: Approx 15 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
My dad has always been very into sailing and history, so I grew up listening to stories of buried treasure, pirates and the rise, fall and discovery of ancient civilisations/empires.
Time: Approx 15 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 4 Prompt - Knot.
I've always found shibari super pretty and artistic. It was originally based off of hojojutsu, which is a martial art focusing on restraining captives, although over the years - it eventually turned into something a little more… erotic.
Time: Approx 20 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I've always found shibari super pretty and artistic. It was originally based off of hojojutsu, which is a martial art focusing on restraining captives, although over the years - it eventually turned into something a little more… erotic.
Time: Approx 20 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 5 Prompt - Raven.
One of my favourite birds. A group of ravens is called an ‘unkindness’. A group of crows is called a ‘murder’.
Time: Approx 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
One of my favourite birds. A group of ravens is called an ‘unkindness’. A group of crows is called a ‘murder’.
Time: Approx 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 6 Prompt - Spirit.
I’ve never been religious, but I’ve always been somewhat spiritual. I tend to believe that everything has a spirit or energy that should be respected.
My mom’s uncle used to be an albularyo, which is a kind of folk doctor/herbalist. Apparently, he inherited his “power” passed down from his grandfather when he died. But when my mom’s uncle moved to the city from the village, there wasn’t really a market for faith healing anymore, so he just became a builder and forgot everything.
One time I remember visiting my grandmother’s grave, and on the way back we stopped to grab twigs and grass to make a little fire. We had to wave each foot over it several times as this was to cleanse us - meaning that no bad spirits could follow us back home.
Alternatively - after visiting a burial site or wake, don’t go directly home. Go somewhere else first. In that time anything bad should have gotten lost on the way. This superstition is called pagpag. (Literally meaning - the shaking off of the dirt).
Some of the charm meanings - Bullet-shaped agimat (amulet) - Protection against aswang (shapeshifting vampire that preys on pregnant women and unborn children). Aswangs supposedly make a ‘tick-tick-ticking’ noise when hunting.
Gamot sa binat ng nanganak o galing sa sakit - Medicine for childbirth or illness.
Mutya - Little jars with a root inside - meant to bring good luck.
Love Potion - It will not make people fall in love with you, but make them feel better around you (“Gagaan ang loob sa ‘yo”). To be used with perfume/cologne. Disclaimer - Do not use to funeral wake or cemetery.
Time: Approx 15 hours. (Mostly Research)
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I’ve never been religious, but I’ve always been somewhat spiritual. I tend to believe that everything has a spirit or energy that should be respected.
My mom’s uncle used to be an albularyo, which is a kind of folk doctor/herbalist. Apparently, he inherited his “power” passed down from his grandfather when he died. But when my mom’s uncle moved to the city from the village, there wasn’t really a market for faith healing anymore, so he just became a builder and forgot everything.
One time I remember visiting my grandmother’s grave, and on the way back we stopped to grab twigs and grass to make a little fire. We had to wave each foot over it several times as this was to cleanse us - meaning that no bad spirits could follow us back home.
Alternatively - after visiting a burial site or wake, don’t go directly home. Go somewhere else first. In that time anything bad should have gotten lost on the way. This superstition is called pagpag. (Literally meaning - the shaking off of the dirt).
Some of the charm meanings - Bullet-shaped agimat (amulet) - Protection against aswang (shapeshifting vampire that preys on pregnant women and unborn children). Aswangs supposedly make a ‘tick-tick-ticking’ noise when hunting.
Gamot sa binat ng nanganak o galing sa sakit - Medicine for childbirth or illness.
Mutya - Little jars with a root inside - meant to bring good luck.
Love Potion - It will not make people fall in love with you, but make them feel better around you (“Gagaan ang loob sa ‘yo”). To be used with perfume/cologne. Disclaimer - Do not use to funeral wake or cemetery.
Time: Approx 15 hours. (Mostly Research)
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 7 Prompt - Fan.
Fun fact, for a few years when I was younger I used to collect hand fans. At some point, I also wanted to try tessenjutsu (Japanese martial art using iron war fans). Temari (Naruto) and the Kyoshi warriors (Avatar: The Last Airbender) were major influences on me, as well as Mulan.
Time: Approx 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Fun fact, for a few years when I was younger I used to collect hand fans. At some point, I also wanted to try tessenjutsu (Japanese martial art using iron war fans). Temari (Naruto) and the Kyoshi warriors (Avatar: The Last Airbender) were major influences on me, as well as Mulan.
Time: Approx 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 8 Prompt - Watch.
Technical drawings and blueprints will probably always be my favourite art form. I don’t know anything about horology, but that scene in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider where the Clock of Ages explodes into tiny little pieces has always stuck with me. Since then it’s been a life goal to visit Angkor Wat, Cambodia, own a skeleton clock, and also maybe a vine-covered orrery?
Time: Approx 14 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Technical drawings and blueprints will probably always be my favourite art form. I don’t know anything about horology, but that scene in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider where the Clock of Ages explodes into tiny little pieces has always stuck with me. Since then it’s been a life goal to visit Angkor Wat, Cambodia, own a skeleton clock, and also maybe a vine-covered orrery?
Time: Approx 14 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 9 Prompt - Pressure.
I’ve always liked magic and cardistry ✧˖. I’m definitely not a magician, but at the very least I like the idea of trying to improve hand dexterity through sleight of hand. I think the last thing I tried practicing was a paddle move and a coin walk.
Cards referenced - @ Theory 11 Monarchs
Time: Approx 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I’ve always liked magic and cardistry ✧˖. I’m definitely not a magician, but at the very least I like the idea of trying to improve hand dexterity through sleight of hand. I think the last thing I tried practicing was a paddle move and a coin walk.
Cards referenced - @ Theory 11 Monarchs
Time: Approx 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 10 Prompt - Pick.
Pick n Mix. When I was little there used to be a Pick n Mix store in my hometown near the market. Every other weekend, my grandad would take me and it would be my job to scoop the sweets into the bag and get the right number on the scale.
Since he’s not here anymore I was sure to include some of his favourites.
Grandad’s favourites - Fruitinettes, Mint Imperials.
My favourites - Fizzy strawberries, Mint Humbugs
Time: 5 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Pick n Mix. When I was little there used to be a Pick n Mix store in my hometown near the market. Every other weekend, my grandad would take me and it would be my job to scoop the sweets into the bag and get the right number on the scale.
Since he’s not here anymore I was sure to include some of his favourites.
Grandad’s favourites - Fruitinettes, Mint Imperials.
My favourites - Fizzy strawberries, Mint Humbugs
Time: 5 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 11 Prompt - Sour.
I’m just really craving lemon meringue pie right now, so I drew it.
Time: 8 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I’m just really craving lemon meringue pie right now, so I drew it.
Time: 8 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 12 Prompt - Stuck.
In Filipino folklore, moths are believed to be the spirits of deceased loved ones coming to visit. So… sorry to all those who have just been casually offing their ancestors all this time…
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
In Filipino folklore, moths are believed to be the spirits of deceased loved ones coming to visit. So… sorry to all those who have just been casually offing their ancestors all this time…
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 13 Prompt - Roof.
I really miss the Philippines. This is my lolo Rogelio’s house. He lives in a bahay kubo (bamboo hut) surrounded by rainforest, rice paddies, chickens, and water buffalo.
I miss riding on the back of motorcycles at 6 am just to get fresh pandesal and pandecoco from the local bakery, and picking fresh mangoes, guava, and coconuts from trees.
Life is simple but it’s really peaceful… until the chickens wake you up.
Time: Approx 17 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I really miss the Philippines. This is my lolo Rogelio’s house. He lives in a bahay kubo (bamboo hut) surrounded by rainforest, rice paddies, chickens, and water buffalo.
I miss riding on the back of motorcycles at 6 am just to get fresh pandesal and pandecoco from the local bakery, and picking fresh mangoes, guava, and coconuts from trees.
Life is simple but it’s really peaceful… until the chickens wake you up.
Time: Approx 17 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 14 Prompt - Tick.
Playing with rhinoceros beetles is fun. Although after I drew this I realised you couldn’t really see the mites, so I had to label them.
This prompt took me a while as I didn’t want to just draw a tick. Eventually, I remembered an @ antscanada video from a few years back, featuring hypoaspis mites - and ticks are a type of mite.
Beetles are naturally prone to mites, both harmless and parasitic. Hypoaspis mites are a kind of mite that feeds on smaller insects, including parasitic mites - protecting the beetle in the process.
Time: Approx 4 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Playing with rhinoceros beetles is fun. Although after I drew this I realised you couldn’t really see the mites, so I had to label them.
This prompt took me a while as I didn’t want to just draw a tick. Eventually, I remembered an @ antscanada video from a few years back, featuring hypoaspis mites - and ticks are a type of mite.
Beetles are naturally prone to mites, both harmless and parasitic. Hypoaspis mites are a kind of mite that feeds on smaller insects, including parasitic mites - protecting the beetle in the process.
Time: Approx 4 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 15 Prompt - Helmet.
I study iaido (Japanese sword-fighting), so I kind of felt obligated to draw a kabuto for this.
Time: 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I study iaido (Japanese sword-fighting), so I kind of felt obligated to draw a kabuto for this.
Time: 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 16 Prompt - Compass.
I get lost pretty easily - however, I don’t think I can ever truly escape my hometown. Whilst I don’t have a very strong local accent - a few people have been able to pick up on it.
One time I got lost in Japan travelling from Kyoto to Osaka and ended up at the wrong branch of hostel. Whilst I was getting directions from the reception - two British guys who were chilling in the lounge picked up on my accent.
“Oh do we have a Birmingham lass here?”
“Aha, I’m not from Birmingham.”
“Om not frum Burminum, om frum Walsall.”
Walsall is like 10 minutes away from where I live.
It was creepy.
52.5177° N 1.9952° W - My home town.
Time: 4 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I get lost pretty easily - however, I don’t think I can ever truly escape my hometown. Whilst I don’t have a very strong local accent - a few people have been able to pick up on it.
One time I got lost in Japan travelling from Kyoto to Osaka and ended up at the wrong branch of hostel. Whilst I was getting directions from the reception - two British guys who were chilling in the lounge picked up on my accent.
“Oh do we have a Birmingham lass here?”
“Aha, I’m not from Birmingham.”
“Om not frum Burminum, om frum Walsall.”
Walsall is like 10 minutes away from where I live.
It was creepy.
52.5177° N 1.9952° W - My home town.
Time: 4 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 17 Prompt - Collide.
Oh no! There’s been a terrible “accident”. Going off of the vessel prompt. Water is scary. Stay safe. Watch out for lachrymose leeches and stuff.
Time: Approx 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Oh no! There’s been a terrible “accident”. Going off of the vessel prompt. Water is scary. Stay safe. Watch out for lachrymose leeches and stuff.
Time: Approx 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 18 Prompt - Moon.
Whenever I miss someone I always look at the sky, because it’s something we can both share at the same time.
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Whenever I miss someone I always look at the sky, because it’s something we can both share at the same time.
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 19 Prompt - Loop.
This is a variation of an ouroboros. An ouroboros is a symbol representing infinity and the eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation. Its name derives from the Greek word meaning “tail-devourer”.
Time: 6 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
This is a variation of an ouroboros. An ouroboros is a symbol representing infinity and the eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation. Its name derives from the Greek word meaning “tail-devourer”.
Time: 6 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 20 Prompt - Sprout.
I grow flowers, strawberries and plums. It’s so satisfying seeing them grow and sprout from tiny little seeds and buds.
Time: Approx 8 hours. (Due to fatigue)
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I grow flowers, strawberries and plums. It’s so satisfying seeing them grow and sprout from tiny little seeds and buds.
Time: Approx 8 hours. (Due to fatigue)
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 21 Prompt - Fuzzy.
Fuzzy lil bumble bee ~
When I’m feeling depressed, one thing that always brings me immense joy - is reading extracts from the medieval bestiary. Here is the description for bee. -
‘Bees are the smallest of birds. Bees are born out of corruption and have no sex. They are born from the bodies of oxen, or from the decaying flesh of slaughtered calves; worms form in the flesh and then turn into bees. Bees live in a community, choose the most noble among them as king, have wars, and make honey.
Their laws are based on custom, but the king does not enforce the law; rather the lawbreakers punish themselves by stinging themselves to death. Bees are afraid of smoke and are excited by noise.’
I just love the idea that someone just looked at a bee and was like… I’m going to write fan fiction.
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Fuzzy lil bumble bee ~
When I’m feeling depressed, one thing that always brings me immense joy - is reading extracts from the medieval bestiary. Here is the description for bee. -
‘Bees are the smallest of birds. Bees are born out of corruption and have no sex. They are born from the bodies of oxen, or from the decaying flesh of slaughtered calves; worms form in the flesh and then turn into bees. Bees live in a community, choose the most noble among them as king, have wars, and make honey.
Their laws are based on custom, but the king does not enforce the law; rather the lawbreakers punish themselves by stinging themselves to death. Bees are afraid of smoke and are excited by noise.’
I just love the idea that someone just looked at a bee and was like… I’m going to write fan fiction.
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 22 Prompt - Open.
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. For this illustration, I was inspired by the little electronic money boxes and my friend's cat Molly.
Time: 8 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. For this illustration, I was inspired by the little electronic money boxes and my friend's cat Molly.
Time: 8 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 23 Prompt - Leak.
Ink Pot. I chose to draw digitally for Inktober this year, but the fear of spilling ink everywhere still haunts me.
Fun fact - I live just outside of Birmingham, UK which was once the centre of the pen industry. By the 1850s 3/4 of the worlds pen nibs were manufactured in Birmingham.
Ink Pot. I chose to draw digitally for Inktober this year, but the fear of spilling ink everywhere still haunts me.
Fun fact - I live just outside of Birmingham, UK which was once the centre of the pen industry. By the 1850s 3/4 of the worlds pen nibs were manufactured in Birmingham.
The trade also pioneered craftsmanship, manufacturing processes and provided employment opportunities - especially for women, who made up more than 70% of the workforce. In its peak, there were about 100,000 varieties of pens manufactured in Birmingham.
These were sold worldwide to many who previously could not afford to write, thus encouraging the development of education and literacy.
Eventually, the industry declined upon the invention of the ballpoint pen. However the history is interesting and I highly recommend visiting the Birmingham Pen Museum @ thepenmuseum (Also if anyone has any tips on looking after pen nibs I’d greatly appreciate it, as all of my pen nibs have gone rusty)
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
These were sold worldwide to many who previously could not afford to write, thus encouraging the development of education and literacy.
Eventually, the industry declined upon the invention of the ballpoint pen. However the history is interesting and I highly recommend visiting the Birmingham Pen Museum @ thepenmuseum (Also if anyone has any tips on looking after pen nibs I’d greatly appreciate it, as all of my pen nibs have gone rusty)
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 24 Prompt - Extinct.
What’s your favourite dinosaur? 🦖🦕
I think my favourites are compsognathus and velociraptors? There’s something really surreal about visiting museums and standing next to the bones of creatures that used to roam the earth.
What’s your favourite dinosaur? 🦖🦕
I think my favourites are compsognathus and velociraptors? There’s something really surreal about visiting museums and standing next to the bones of creatures that used to roam the earth.
Attached to my favourite museum (The Pitt Rivers Museum), the Oxford University Museum of Natural History have a large collection of fossils and dinosaur skeletons, including the skeleton of a blue whale suspended from the ceiling.
I’ve also been meaning to visit the Hunterian Museum (Royal College of Surgeons) in London, but it's been under major refurbishment for the past few years - but apparently, they also have a collection of extinct creatures.
Time: 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I’ve also been meaning to visit the Hunterian Museum (Royal College of Surgeons) in London, but it's been under major refurbishment for the past few years - but apparently, they also have a collection of extinct creatures.
Time: 10 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 25 Prompt - Splat.
I don’t think I’ve painted in years, but I still like to watch videos and tutorials. Some of the brushstroke techniques actually inspire a lot of my digital work. I might try making some more abstract/contemporary art as this was pretty fun.
Time: 1 hour.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I don’t think I’ve painted in years, but I still like to watch videos and tutorials. Some of the brushstroke techniques actually inspire a lot of my digital work. I might try making some more abstract/contemporary art as this was pretty fun.
Time: 1 hour.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 26 Prompt - Connect.
Social media is a lifeline for many people, from running a business to maintaining friendships/relationships and mental health, - and whilst we need to moderate our relationship and time with it - I’m actually pretty thankful for it. (Except for the trolling, arguing, and widespread conspiracy theories - maybe chill a bit).
It’s been a difficult few years, we’ve missed - and lost - friends and loved ones. Just simple everyday human interactions and conversations - but it’s made me genuinely thankful to have some of you in my life.
I 1000% wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the few of you who care about me enough to check up on me - making sure I eat, sleep and look after myself. I appreciate you.
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
Social media is a lifeline for many people, from running a business to maintaining friendships/relationships and mental health, - and whilst we need to moderate our relationship and time with it - I’m actually pretty thankful for it. (Except for the trolling, arguing, and widespread conspiracy theories - maybe chill a bit).
It’s been a difficult few years, we’ve missed - and lost - friends and loved ones. Just simple everyday human interactions and conversations - but it’s made me genuinely thankful to have some of you in my life.
I 1000% wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the few of you who care about me enough to check up on me - making sure I eat, sleep and look after myself. I appreciate you.
Time: 2 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 27 Prompt - Spark.
I haven’t played with sparklers since I was little, but it’s nearly bonfire night (Nov 5th). Which - side note - really weird tradition we have in the UK.
“Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder treason and plot - I know for not reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I haven’t played with sparklers since I was little, but it’s nearly bonfire night (Nov 5th). Which - side note - really weird tradition we have in the UK.
“Remember remember the fifth of November gunpowder treason and plot - I know for not reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 28 Prompt - Crispy.
This isn’t an intervention or anything…Nope. Absolutely not.
Time: Approx 13 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
This isn’t an intervention or anything…Nope. Absolutely not.
Time: Approx 13 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 29 Prompt - Patch.
I got really into sew on patches during the pandemic. Some of the patches I mocked up and had made, others I bought preexisting. I’ve been following Mau Lencinas’ work for a few years now and finally decided to start customising my clothes towards the end of 2020. My hoodie is probably my favourite item of clothing now, and I occasionally get a few comments on it.
Logo designs - AKIRA - Katsuhiro Otomo (Pill) and NASA
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I got really into sew on patches during the pandemic. Some of the patches I mocked up and had made, others I bought preexisting. I’ve been following Mau Lencinas’ work for a few years now and finally decided to start customising my clothes towards the end of 2020. My hoodie is probably my favourite item of clothing now, and I occasionally get a few comments on it.
Logo designs - AKIRA - Katsuhiro Otomo (Pill) and NASA
Time: 3 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 30 Prompt - Slither.
I think I’m allergic to most fluffy animals - dogs at least; so I naturally became more interested in reptiles, bugs, and amphibians as an alternative. My mom would never let me own one though. - Thankfully my childhood friend down the road had like 3 boa constrictors and over time 35 tarantulas.
Time: 5 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
I think I’m allergic to most fluffy animals - dogs at least; so I naturally became more interested in reptiles, bugs, and amphibians as an alternative. My mom would never let me own one though. - Thankfully my childhood friend down the road had like 3 boa constrictors and over time 35 tarantulas.
Time: 5 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD

Day 31 Prompt - Risk.
And for the last prompt of Inktober possibly my favourite Greek tale - Orpheus and Eurydice. (I love the musical Hadestown, which is based on the story. Eva Noblezada & Reeve Carney.
Orpheus was a singer, lyrist and poet - a dreamer - and the son of a Muse (a goddess of literature, science, and the arts). His singing was said to have been so beautiful that wild beasts, people and even trees would be charmed by the power of his song.
Orpheus fell in love with a beautiful girl named Eurydice. However, their wedding day was cut short when Eurydice was bitten by a viper and died.
In his grief, Orpheus risked his life and travelled perilously down to the underworld in order to save Eurydice and bring her back to life, charming the demons of Hell.
Moved by Orpheus’ music, grief, love and devotion to Eurydice, it reminded Hades and Persephone of their own love for each other, and so - Hades agreed to let Eurydice go; however under one condition.
Orpheus must lead the way out of Hell, single file with Eurydice following behind him. At no point was Orpheus allowed to turn and look back at her… and so, Orpheus and Eurydice agree.
Along the narrow winding paths of the underworld, Orpheus and Eurydice make their way to the land of the living. However, doubt started to creep in… Was Eurydice really behind him? What if Hades and Persephone had tricked him and this was all a game for their amusement?
With the land of the living not far off, light could be seen and what was once turbulent terrain had become even and steady. But as the exit became more clear, doubt raised its head again - and Orpheus looked back…
They watched in horror and despair as Eurydice - who - only mere feet behind him - was suddenly dragged back into the underworld. Dying for a second and final time.
Orpheus tried to return, pleading to the Gods for a second chance. However, this time the entrance to Hell was barred, and not even a song could gain him entry.
Time: 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD
And for the last prompt of Inktober possibly my favourite Greek tale - Orpheus and Eurydice. (I love the musical Hadestown, which is based on the story. Eva Noblezada & Reeve Carney.
Orpheus was a singer, lyrist and poet - a dreamer - and the son of a Muse (a goddess of literature, science, and the arts). His singing was said to have been so beautiful that wild beasts, people and even trees would be charmed by the power of his song.
Orpheus fell in love with a beautiful girl named Eurydice. However, their wedding day was cut short when Eurydice was bitten by a viper and died.
In his grief, Orpheus risked his life and travelled perilously down to the underworld in order to save Eurydice and bring her back to life, charming the demons of Hell.
Moved by Orpheus’ music, grief, love and devotion to Eurydice, it reminded Hades and Persephone of their own love for each other, and so - Hades agreed to let Eurydice go; however under one condition.
Orpheus must lead the way out of Hell, single file with Eurydice following behind him. At no point was Orpheus allowed to turn and look back at her… and so, Orpheus and Eurydice agree.
Along the narrow winding paths of the underworld, Orpheus and Eurydice make their way to the land of the living. However, doubt started to creep in… Was Eurydice really behind him? What if Hades and Persephone had tricked him and this was all a game for their amusement?
With the land of the living not far off, light could be seen and what was once turbulent terrain had become even and steady. But as the exit became more clear, doubt raised its head again - and Orpheus looked back…
They watched in horror and despair as Eurydice - who - only mere feet behind him - was suddenly dragged back into the underworld. Dying for a second and final time.
Orpheus tried to return, pleading to the Gods for a second chance. However, this time the entrance to Hell was barred, and not even a song could gain him entry.
Time: 7 hours.
Tools - Photoshop, Wacom Cintiq 13HD